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You've reached the home of PERGSS. Thanks for visiting us! The Physical Education and Recreation Graduate Student Society (PERGSS) is a graduate student organization designed to provide academic, social, and athletic opportunities for the graduate students in Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta. PERGSS strives to promote, provide, and organize professional and academic support for its members. In addition, the organization acts as a mediator between the Faculty and graduate students.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

News Update: 2nd Annual Pub Trivia Success !!!

The tables were set, the prizes were waiting, the beer was pouring and the graduate contingent was posed ready to do what Phys Ed does best...compete. Yes, yes, the students and the members of faculty were ready to rumble in the 2nd Annual Pub Trivia. Building on the last years success, the social sec’s (Meaghan and Jodie) set out to make it bigger and better. More students, more prizes and more fun. They delivered on every account. Pub trivia offered a rare insight into the diverse plethora of both useful and at times completely useless knowledge within U of A’s Phys Ed Faculty. Separating the cream from the crop, the mice from the men, the best from the rest (...you get my point) was 20 teams, 5 rounds with 10 questions per round. These rounds tested the general knowledge of Alberta’s finest with questions from the Descartes to David Beckham the Cranberries to Chuck Norris (thank you Chuck Norris...thank you). Also, who knew that Winnipeg meant ‘Muddy Water’? You learn something new every day in this place, I swear. The faculty represented well this year, with the likes of Nick Holt battling the one and only John Spence, Wendy Rogers against Dean Mummery (aka ‘the one to beat’). Particular highlights of the night included John Spence winning a yoga mat, Vince winning a mug (and subsequently losing it again), and Catherine’s scream as the realization suddenly hit her that Jessica Walker was hot on her heels going for the ‘W’ around the other side of the bar.

In a world of research where answers are never truly found, just manipulated and exaggerated in an attempt to seek some sort of truth, one was forced to call an audible and throw out the first rationale response that came to mind. There was no opportunity to consult with ones supervisor, no primary and secondary sources to refer to. It was simply instinct and impulse. At times this was the recipe, at others it proved disastrous. But still, given the opportunity to sit down in front of a book or computer screen, I don’t believe I would have found the “Bob” answer, I mean, come on! Really? Bob?
At times the competition grew immense. It was more heated than a summer apartment in the Amazon without air conditioning. It was more intense than Mike Tyson’s pet tiger. It was...well...to be expected, however, it made the event all the more enjoyable and entertaining. As pens scratched rapidly across paper and teammates howled incomprehensible jumbles of answers, it was apparent that the passion in competition was a result of the cohort of participants, and the magnificent planning. 

One small step for PERGSS (raising $112 and 58 items of food donated to Campus Foodbank)  yet one giant leap for PERGSS’s kind. Role on next year  !!!

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